From the gig to the audience, in Šibenik-Knin County, Croatia

The project From the gig to the audience is implemented by ATRIBUT cultural and creative organisation and addresses the place-based issues of depopulation and lack of opportunities to keep and attract younger population in the region and interdisciplinary/intersectoral cooperation. The project covers the thematic strands of activating communities and sustainability. The project is being implemented […]
Repertoar, in Šibenik-Knin County, Croatia

Repertoar is developed by the cultural and creative organisation Koletiv 4B and addresses place-based issues such as the impact of touristic development, communication and exchange between coastal and continental parts of the region, interdisciplinary and/or intersectoral cooperation and environmental threats and sustainable development. The project covers the thematic strands of cross-sectoral collaboration, activating communities, intra-sectoral […]