/ Key Activities

IN SITU encompasses three interconnected dimensions:


IN SITU research topics:

  • Socioeconomic contributions of CCIs and social and economic spillovers in non-urban regions
  • Relatedness and diversification patterns for CCIs in non-urban areas
  • Socioeconomic resilience of CCIs in the COVID-19 pandemic, and follow-up effects for non-urban CCI businesses
  • Drivers and particularities of innovation of CCIs located in non-urban areas
  • Subsectors of CCIs with more potential for further development, and roadmap for competitiveness of the most innovative CCI subsectors
  • The evolution of non-urban CCI ecosystems and working networks for place-based development
  • The gender dimension of the CCI sector in non-urban areas
  • Development of an IN SITU CCI index for tracking changes in non-urban CCI ecosystems over time
  • The state of cultural policy frameworks for CCIs in non-urban areas
  • European, regional, and territorial policies and smart specialization strategies (S3s) for innovation and CCIs in non-urban areas


Training topics for the capacity building programme include: social and business entrepreneurship in CCIs, considering a place-based approach; nurturing innovations in non-urban areas: a typology of innovations; creativity and innovation in response to social, political, and environmental issues in non-urban areas; collaborative approaches and financial models in cultural entrepreneurship; regional and local policies in support of social innovations and cultural entrepreneurship, and others. The training sessions will be held in a hybrid model: both online and offline in the IN SITU Lab locations.

IN SITU will also produce four short videos on topics of capacity building for new business and social models in CCIs in non-urban areas, and a methodological guide on conducting workshops and seminars in the field of capacity building for innovation and entrepreneurship in non-urban areas.


Policy proposal development will proceed in two thematic streams:

  • Innovation and Smart Specialization (S3) policies (including organizational and social innovation), and
  • Cultural policies, strategies, and planning.


For each stream, a critical analysis of the policy framework will be informed by the project’s research findings and, especially, IN SITU Labs experience and data gathering. In grounding this work to be actionable on-the-ground, IN SITU researchers and CCI practitioners and collaborators will explore the main drivers and obstacles for policy efficiency, impact, and real local transformation.

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