Researchers from 8 Universities and 5 Research Centres from across the European Union came together at the University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada (October 11-12th) to exchange knowledge on how the CCIs – Creative and Cultural Industries can be a driver for innovation, competitiveness and sustainability for locales in non-urban areas of Europe.

During this initial meeting, researchers from 12 European countries also met with an array of cultural agents in the Azores at VAGA – Arte e Conhecimento, home of Anda&Fala (Walk&Talk) in Ponta Delgada, where the meeting was facilitated by Nancy Duxbury (CES-Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra) and Pilar Damião de Medeiros (University of the Azores). The cultural agents and entities working in São Miguel Island who participated were: Ponta Delgada – Azores 2027 , FUSO, Magma, Estúdio 13 – Espaço de Industrias Criativas , 37.25 – Performing Arts Core, Antero de Quental Secondary School, Coral De São José , Quadrivium – Associação Artística , Bru@TAG , @TAG, Walk&Talk , Brui Gallery, Museu Carlos Machado and vacancy / 9’Circos – Associação de Artes Circenses dos Açores.

The IN SITU project aims to better understand the forms, processes, and governance needs of CCIs located in non-urban areas of Europe and to advance the ability of non-urban CCIs to act as drivers of innovation, competitiveness, and sustainability for the locales in which they are located. It will generate interconnections between scientific research and practical application, combining research with experimental actions through IN SITU Labs, project hubs in 6 non-urban European countries – Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Finland, Latvia and Croatia. The IN SITU project is coordinated by researcher Nancy Duxbury from the Centre for Social Studies (CES) at the University of Coimbra and, at the regional level in the Azores, led by Pilar Damião de Medeiros, professor and researcher at CICS.NOVA.UAc at the University of the Azores.

The Consortium brings together 13 institutional partners in 12 countries: the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (coordinator); National University of Ireland Galway (Ireland); European Network of Cultural Centres (Belgium); Utrecht University (Netherlands); National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (France); MONDRAGON Innovation & Knowledge (Spain); Kultura Nova Foundation (Croatia); University of the Azores (Portugal); University of Turku (Finland); Latvian Academy of Culture (Latvia); Bifröst University (Iceland); National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov” (Bulgaria); and University of Hildesheim (Germany).
The INSITU project is also accompanied by na array of Outreach Partners within Europe and internationally: Culture Action Europe, Digital Meets, Creative Scotland, United Cities and Local Governments – Committee on Culture, Cultural Development Network (Australia), Creative City Network of Canada, SPARC: Supporting Performing Arts in Rural and Remote Communities (Canada), and Sustaining Theatre and Dance (STAND) Foundation (SouthAfrica). In addition, the project has na International Advisory Board of seven leading international experts working on CCIs and culture-based work in non-urban areas.
Entitled “IN SITU: Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas,” the project is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Program (project no. 101061747). It began on July 1st and will run over the next four years. The project received a total funding of 4 million euros.
For further information, contact Nancy Duxbury ( (INSITU Principal Investigator, Centre of Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal).