Exploring the Potential for Growth and Innovation of CCIs in European Non-Urban Areas
The latest IN SITU report, which assesses the potential for growth and innovation within specific subsectors of CCIs in six non-urban areas across Europe, has just been released. Keep reading to learn all the details!
Upcoming Conferences and Sessions in 2025
We are thrilled to announce several key conferences sessions in 2025 organised by IN SITU partners to contribute to discussions on cooperation, innovation, and rural development!
IN SITU Lab in focus: West Region, Iceland
West Iceland, a region of breathtaking natural beauty, is experiencing a surge in its cultural and creative industries. Nestled on the northern edge of Europe, this diverse region boasts stunning landscapes, including beaches, glaciers, wetlands, and mountains.
Innovative Solutions for Rural Futures: Success of the IN SITU ‘Place-based Creative Solutions’ Summer School and ‘Horizons of Sustainability’ Conference Sparks Global Dialogue on Non-Urban Transformation
The picturesque island of Zlarin and the historic town of Šibenik were the sites of two impactful events this fall, both organised under the banner of the IN SITU project. These events—the “Place-based Creative Solutions” Summer School (September 20-24) and the “Horizons of Sustainability” conference (September 25-27)—highlighted the importance of creative innovation in driving rural sustainability and equitable development. They were organised by the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra and the Kultura Nova Foundation, in cooperation with the IN SITU Consortium, and were supported by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, with the conference also receiving funding from the Central European Initiative.
The power of partnership and networking for boosting innovation and entrepreneurship in non-urban CCIs: Briefing on the IN SITU Capacity-building programme
The capacity-building programme is an important part of IN SITU project, enabling CCIs in non-urban regions across Europe to advance and become drivers of innovation, entrepreneurship, competitiveness and sustainability. During one-year period (September 2023-Seprember 2024), we organised a series of interactive group workshops and seminars, as well as individual mentoring sessions in the IN SITU […]
Collaborative Interactive Workshop | Cooperation for sustainability: Strengthening capacities of local actors
The Zaklada Kultura Nova (KNF) invites artists, arts managers and entrepreneurs, cultural professionals, researchers, educators, students, cultural policy-makers and anyone interested to join the collaborative interactive workshop, hosted in partnership with the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov” (NATFIZ). The workshop is taking place in Šibenik, Croatia, on September 30 and October 1, 2024.
The IN SITU capacity-building programme keeps making an important path towards the empowerment of cultural and creative agents in non-urban areas (II)
One of the key dimensions of the IN SITU project is the capacity-building and skill development programme, designed to foster entrepreneurial social and business models, and innovation in each of the project´s six LAB regions, and to correspond to the needs of cultural and creative agents in these areas. These news summarise the main highlights of te last IN SITU training recently held in Azores, Portugal.
The IN SITU capacity-building programme keeps making an important path towards the empowerment of cultural and creative agents in non-urban areas (I)
One of the key dimensions of the IN SITU project is the capacity-building and skill development programme, designed to foster entrepreneurial social and business models, and innovation in each of the project´s six LAB regions, and to correspond to the needs of cultural and creative agents in these areas. The present news offer an overview of the IN SITU trainings recently held in Latvia and in Iceland.
IN SITU Lab: In focus – Šibenik-Knin County, Croatia
Šibenik-Knin County is situated in the southeastern European periphery, on the Croatian Adriatic Coast. The total area of Šibenik-Knin County is 5,670 km2 (2,994 km2 land, 2,676 km2 sea) including 285 islands. The Šibenik-Knin County has 96.624 inhabitants and Šibenik (administrative centre) has 42.589 inhabitants (2021 statistics). The economic and transport isolation of this area has conditioned negative demographic and socioeconomic trends that are expressed in higher at-risk-of-poverty rates.
Collaborative Interactive Workshops | Collaborate & Innovate: Boosting Creative Potential in the Azores
The University of the Azores (UAc) invites artists, arts managers and entrepreneurs, cultural professionals, researchers, educators, students, cultural policy-makers and anyone interested to join the collaborative interactive workshops and an open conference. This will happen on 3-4 July 2024 in Ponta Delgada, Portugal, and is hosted in partnership with the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov” (NATFIZ).