The project From the gig to the audience is implemented by ATRIBUT cultural and creative organisation and addresses the place-based issues of depopulation and lack of opportunities to keep and attract younger population in the region and interdisciplinary/intersectoral cooperation. The project covers the thematic strands of activating communities and sustainability.

The project is being implemented in the city of Knin, another city that suffered a large population outflow, which also affected the quality of life in the community of residents who are still there. One of the goals of the project is to create a quality audience for future cultural events in Knin and the Republic of Croatia, as well as to create future leaders of the city’s cultural scene. In fact, the musical taste formed in early youth and teenage days, especially among those who have tried their hand at playing music, has a long-term effect on formation of attitudes towards culture. For the implementation of this project, ATRIBUT connected with school institutions and achieved excellent cooperation. Another goal of the project is to make it possible for all children to try playing a musical instrument, free of charge, in an informal way.
As for its potential transformative effect, the project has already started strengthening the community through musical education of children and has already generated initial positive effects on children’s development. This project is also expected to play a certain influence on the retention of residents in the community, as these workshops contribute to increasing the quality of life in the city of Knin. The project also contributes to the reduction of the risk of social exclusion of children and young people.
The innovativeness of the project is reflected in the availability of informal music education to all children in the community completely free of charge and in the possibility to also borrow musical instruments so that they can practise independently at home, thanks to the collaboration of multiple stakeholders in the region. Moreover, the children’s progress is monitored and recorded very carefully.