The CREATRIX RYMI – X project is developed by Creatrix ehf andaddresses place-based issues such as place design (need for support, organisation and place spirit that encourages creative activity), the lack of participation of young people and housing shortage. The project covers the thematic strands of cross-sectoral collaboration, activating communities, intra-sectoral collaboration and sustainability.

Creatrix SPACE – X stands for space for creativity. The idea is to create a platform for the participation of individuals in diverse creative work and conversation and to offer inspiring gatherings and events that support creative thinking and innovation. The intention is to connect individuals, companies, educational and cultural institutions with the aim of promoting local participation in diverse creative work which hopefully leads to increased social innovation, increases the number of opportunities for creative work, promotes local culture, promotes creative work in schools and creates new experiences and knowledge in society.
The potential transformative effect of the project is to increase local culture and creative work, business support for arts and cultural life and opportunities for creative work for individuals and to generate greater social innovation within the municipality and new knowledge and experience resulting from research.
This is a grassroots project initiated by a small company in Borgarbyggð. In terms of innovation potential, the project is based on the idea of mobilising networks, knowledge and experience that exist in the community in order to promote social innovation, promote cultural activities and creative industries.