/ Outreach Partners
An array of leading networks and platforms with members interested in the topics of this research project (including CCI practitioners and local municipalities/agencies) are involved in this project. Collectively, these Outreach Partners will amplify the reach and influence of the activities and the research findings of the IN SITU project. Their collective involvement in the IN SITU project creates a joint platform for drawing attention to non-urban CCI work at an international level – encouraging discussions at an inter-network level, among researchers and practitioners within the networks and the IN SITU project.
Within Europe
Culture Action Europe
Culture Action Europe (CAE) is the major European network of cultural networks, organizations, artists, activists, academics, and policymakers. CAE is the first port of call for informed opinion and debate about arts and cultural policy in the EU. As the only intersectoral network, it brings together all practices in culture, from the performing arts to literature, the visual arts, design and cross-arts initiatives, to community centres and activist goups.
Digital Meets Culture
A portal and reference point for information about major cultural research projects, intersections between technologies and arts & humanities, and other cultural initiatives in Europe, with approximately 25.000 users monthly.
EMES International Research Network
A research network of 15 established university research centres and over 300 individual researchers created in 2002 focused on the “SE field”, which includes social enterprise, social and solidarity economy, social entrepreneurship, social innovation and related concepts. In 2020 EMES members established an Affinity Group called “Culture and the Arts in Social Enterprise” (CASE).
Creative Scotland
The national development body for the arts and creative industries in Scotland, which operates two relevant programmes in the IN SITU context: the Place Partnership programme and Culture Collective programme.
United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) – Committee on Culture (global scope)
The global platform of cities, local and regional governments organizations, and networks that promotes the exchange of experiences to improve mutual learning and capacity-building, empower local actors and stakeholders to develop and launch cultural policies and programmes, and advocate at the global level on the role of culture in sustainable development.
Cultural Development Network (CDN) (Australia)
The network plays a sector development role to increase the capacity of the cultural sector and to increase the capability of governments to stimulate and facilitate the artistic visions of their communities.
Creative City Network of Canada (CCNC)
A national network of municipal culture leaders from both urban and rural areas that led a collaborative research and professional development project entitled “Cultural Resilience: Using Innovation to Stabilize in Times of Crisis” in response to COVID-19’s impact on Canada’s culture sector. CCNC hosts the Creative City Summit each fall.

SPARC: Supporting Performing Arts in Rural & Remote Communities (Canada)
A network of CCI practitioners that aims to ignite and help sustain performing arts communities in rural and remote areas of Ontario, Canada.

Sustaining Theatre and Dance (STAND) Foundation (South Africa)
A South African theatre and dance sector-based initiative to nurture and celebrate these contemporary forms and to support those whose livelihoods depend on these, both during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.